Add/Copy Question from the Activity Bank

A collection of questions and activity in the activity bank. It allows you to create, preview, and edit stored questions. The questions stored in the activity bank can be reused in quizzes and exams.

How to create questions directly from the Activity Bank

Step 1: Click Activity Bank Icon

Step 2: Click + button.

Step 3: Click “ question”

Step 4: Choose the type of question.

Step 5: Can put a TAGS on your question to determine easily to your created questions. Just simply click the “new tag” button.

Step 6: Fill in the necessary information to create a quiz then click the “Add to bank” button.Note: Don’t forget to put a check of the correct answer.

Can edit and delete questions from the activity by clicking the question and clicking the “edit” button to edit and the “delete” button to delete.

How do I add questions to Activity Bank from the Existing quizzes.

Step 1: Click Class list

Step 2: Click Activities Tab

Step 3: Click the “gear icon” of the quiz and click “edit”.

Step 4: Click “Add to Bank” to the specific question you want to add to the bank.

Step 5: Click “new tag” and make sure to put the tag name before you add it to the bank.

Once you are done putting the tags remember to hit the enter of your keyboard, and it will show like the photo below, then click “Add to Bank”.

How do I copy questions from the bank

Step 1: Click Activities Tab and click the Quiz button.

Step 2: Fill in the necessary information and Click “Add Question”.

Step 3: Click “From Question Bank”.

Step 5: Put a check on the questions you want to add to your quiz.

Step 6: Click the “proceed to quiz” button. You can see the summary of your copied quizzes from the bank.

Step 7: It is then successfully copied to the quiz that you’re creating.

How do I copy a specific questions from the bank

Step 1: Click Activities Tab

Step 2: Click the “gear icon” and click edit.

Step 3: Choose a question you want to replace from the activity bank.

Step 4: Make sure that the question you copied from the activity bank is the same type of question from what you’ve copied.

Step 5: It is then successfully copied.

Last updated