Quiz Anti-cheat feature

In WELA Silid LMS, we will be able to see the activity of the student while taking the quiz.

There are 2 features that are in it.

In WELA Silid LMS, we will be able to see the activity of the student while taking the quiz.

Silid will be able to detect some activities and capture it such us:

  1. If the student change tab while taking the exam

  2. If there is another face while taking the exam

This will be capture and send to the teacher together with the submission of the exam/quiz of the student. Please see how the Anti-cheat feature will activate on the student side below:

The Student will take the quiz using their account in the Activity tab

  • The Screen capture feature

  • Face Detector feature

In this article, we'll show you how the Anti-cheat features work and how the 2 activities/evidence will be capture and how the teacher can see it.

The Student will take the quiz using their account in the Activity tab

There will be a Pop-up before the student can completely open the quiz, This pop-up is instruction and that the student needs to share the "whole screen" of the computer while taking the exam. Please see the picture below:

If the student didn't follow the instructions they won't be able to open and take the quiz

And when the teacher checks the quiz of the student the activities or the 3 features will be included in their quiz submission. The teacher can see this as Evidence on the third tab when they check the quiz of the student

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